Monthly Archives: September 2016

Weekly Smile #39



In choir yesterday we started a new song:

Guess what….

One of my favourite musicals

Singing in the Rain


It is not that easy as we sing harmonies

but it is great fun.

The lyrics say:

‘Let the stormy clouds chase everyone from the place

Come on with the rain, I’ve a smile on my face…..’

and there it was:

my smile got bigger

smile 1


Sing along

and smile with me!

This is part of Trent’s weekly smile.

Join the smiles and click to view and add/link your smiles here.

It’s fun!




My special walk


I heard from Steffi that WordPress is doing this special walk wwwp5k .

A 5k run/walk is approximately 3.1 miles long. That is roughly equal to:

  • Twelve laps around a track.

  • Approximately 6,000-7,500 steps.

  • Approximately 50-60 minutes of brisk walking.

It was any time between Monday, September 19th to Sunday, September 25th, lace up your running/walking/hiking/hopping shoes and join us for the 5k blogged about around the world!

 I participated and here is my post

I made it a mindful walk on my own.

My impressions from my walk:

a beautiful church


a cat on the windowsill


lovely coloured flowery bushes


more sweet flowers

and now for the count:



That was a lovely mindful walk,

Why not try a mindful walk yourself,

being fully present,

notice the beauty around you,

enjoy every step you do,

… and you don’t even notice how far you go!



How to enjoy a puzzle every step of the way!


I have been sent a 1000 piece puzzle by Debra to enjoy and to review.

As I love puzzling, I was very happy.

It is a brilliant way to relax,

to practice patience and

look at pictures in real detail.

This time it was ” The Brighton Belle” by Ravensburger.

A Premium Puzzle with Soft Click Technology.



On opening the 1000 pieces were neatly packed in a bag. It included a leaflet showing the artists biography and additional picture for reference. As I can see from the included small catalogue that it is a new addition to the collection 2016.

The Drawing by Trevor Mitchell shows the 1st class service the Brighton Belle used to bring for 40 years. An excellent choice of the picture as it has many different colours and lines to be identified on each puzzle piece.

There is more information about “that the magic of fine rail dining in the 1930s, complete with attentive white jacketed Pullman stewards and those sumptuous surroundings” It will be recreated and the Brighton Belle will be in service again towards the end of 2016. If you like to read more please go to the Brighton Belle website. Rather interesting!

The 1000 pieces are great card quality which you can be sorted easily without the danger of breaking them or the fear of the actual picture coming off.




Through the many different objects and people on the picture one can sort really well into colours and also shapes depending how you as puzzler prefer it. I prefer sorting in shapes first then colours.



The great thing with a Ravensburger, once you find a piece and it fits – it really fits, it really ‘clicks ‘in.  It does have the soft click technology- not just a word- you can really feel it. You do not have to doubt if it is the right place as each piece is individually shaped. This is a big bonus and gives us puzzlers extra help especially for not such established puzzlers. The shapes are distinctive and sometimes you don’t even need to look at the picture so much. While doing piece by piece you feel and see the excellent quality.


See my progress….


My favourite moment is when I put the last piece in, I feel a sense of achievement and I can see the picture in full big glory.


I very much enjoyed doing this puzzle, it didn’t take long and even my children stopped by to put the odd piece in the right place. I can recommend this puzzle to all puzzlers out there and it would be a good start for someone who has never done 1000 pieces.


You can find the review on Debra’s blog  “Not Compulsory

Weekly Smile #38



This week my dancing lessons started again

that really made my smile bigger.

You all know how I love my dancing!

In Freestyle we dance to this catchy song

We are learning 3 tap routines and

4 freestyle routines for next year’s exam.

Tough but so enjoyable.



and smile along!


This is part of Trent’s weekly smile.

Join the smiles and click to view and add/link your smiles here.

It’s fun!




How to prepare for a James Bond Night



James Bond Night


how exciting,

a local event in aid of Amnesty International.

 I had to think….

how do I prepare for a James Bond night.


3 basic ideas came to mind:

Going as a Bond girl I needed to think of

What to wear: – a glamorous  sparkly dress



Diamonds are forever : – a diamond bracelet/ brooch

What does Mr Bond drink….

research: Martini – shaken not stirred


“Bond also drinks gin, beer and champagne in the books and films, and in Casino Royale orders a drink he names a Vesper: “Three measures of Gordon’s, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet, shake it over ice, and then add a thin slice of lemon peel.”


Luckily I just found a Ball room gown my mum wore about 45 years ago.

I tried and it fitted.

Diamonds- nobody knows if they are real as long as they are sparkly

So off I went.


Dress sorted




Diamonds sorted




Martini sipped


We had a wonderful evening

and and enjoyed the James Bond music.


Wonder what I find next….

Holiday time


In August I went on holiday to different places for short periods.

( Mallorca- Spain and Germany)

In Mallorca the palm trees were my favourite, ( see here)

In Germany the lakes for swimming were super.


This is the dress I bought in Mallorca.

With Spanish temperatures in Bavaria I could wear it again.


Here is the proof….. I went into this lake too….


yes, I did go deeper and swam, it was so refreshing.

What a view of the blue sky …… under the shade of a tree.



The flowers with all the different vibrant colours always bring a spectacular show.

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I also have learnt how to make the best latte or cappuccino, with frothy milk.



Goes really well with a slice of Black Forest Gateau.sst


Life is good!

Enjoy every moment!

I do!

love life

Hello September – Make it simple




After the holiday season of August I am back to working routine.

Yet I am very relaxed and take it easy.

So I will….

Make life simple,

Don’t multi task,

Do one thing at a time,

Take my time,

Enjoy what I am doing.




“Fear less, hope more;

Eat less, chew more;

Whine less, breathe more;

Talk less, say more;

And all good things will be yours!”

–          Swedish Proverb

