Tag Archives: books

My latest project – recycling at home


Finding many old beautiful books

which nobody wanted

I searched everywhere what to do with them.

I found an idea on Pinterest, so I tried it.

I made 2 bedside tables out of the most beautiful books.

Finished with 2 beautiful Piano music sheet books

from my Grandad as table tops.

I’m happy to have still the old books,

we all read long ago

in my present house.

Have you recycled or upcycled something lately? Let me know…

Caturday treat from Thomas


Hi to all cats, cat owners, cat lovers  and every one else.

Today is Caturday

and we need to celebrate it.

Every day is a celebration of life for humans

and cats alike

as every day is special.

Today though I am dedicating this to beautiful Binky,

my friend in the Netherlands.

My owner got hold of another beautiful puzzle and we did it,

well my loyal feeder really did it.


Puss in Books a brilliant theme

So Adorable

It was such fun!

Now Binky I wanted to ask if you have read

all these books on this puzzle already,

if not I can really recommend them.

Let me explain:

The great Catsby – a classic

Looking Cool by K.T Chill – you won’t need that – you are a cool cat

Painting – Learn from Scratch – real fun- …. the scratching…..



A Purrfect Life – more great ideas to our near purrfect life.

A Purrfect storm – famous also in the human world

To kill a mockingbird –  another classic for us

Claw and Order – If you missed the TV series, enjoy the read

The Mousetrap – What can I say a MUST READ





Feeling Cat tastic – Self Help  – Quiet useful – living with less Cat tastophies

The British Mewseum  –  a useful cat-alogue

Catmandu – a travelguide – very interesting indeed

Street Life by Al.E.Cat – a fun story



Everything about everything by I.B. Curious –  a must read – specially for kittens

Tail of two Kitties by Charles Catkins / great fiction for lazy evenings on laps



Puss in Boots – not to forget the most important classic

The secret of a good sleep by KIT.T Naps – not needed for us as we have purrrfected that already



Wishing you and all humans a super relaxing weekend

with many naps in between!



Book Fangirling Blog Award


Matt from Matt and his cats awarded me the Book Fangirling Blog Award.

Matt thank you so much, I love books and I love reading.

book award

The Rules:

  • Create a post to accept your award.
  • Add the blog award button into your post.
  • Answer the questions I have below.
  • Nominate between 5-10 book bloggers who you think also deserve this award.
  • Come up with your own 5 questions for your nominees


Matt’s questions and my answers:

  1. Favourite quote from a book?

    It is from The Alchemist/ Paulo Coelho: “Remember that wherever you heart is, there you will find your treasure” and ” One is loves because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving”

  2. Favourite villain from a book?

    Jaws from James Bond, he is a villain but also so simple minded and somehow sweet.

  3. Have you ever read a book set in your home town?

    Yes, I love that. They are crime stories and they are set in my country and my county and some even in the town were I grew up in Germany. It is great to read where the villain walks and I know exactly where that is and can imagine it so well.

  4. Do you constantly reorganise your bookshelf?

    No need 🙂 … my books are all in alphabetical order of the author. Also I have German shelves and English shelves. All books are also recorded on a spreadsheet on excel.  I like it orderly…  🙂

  5. Which two protagonists, from two different book series’, would you lock in one room for an hour.

    How about Sherlock Holmes and Miss Marple…. what a pair, they have more to talk than an hour!


My questions:

  1. Which is your favourite corner of the house to curl up with a book?

  2. Do you read some books twice and why?

  3. Have you ever read secretly under the covers? Tell us more….

  4. What is your favourite genre and why?

  5. Which is your favourite children’s book?


My nominees are:

Russ, an author himself with super stories.

Gallivanta, I know is well read.

Trina from North Germany, who likes writing.

Terry, another author with inspiring stories.

Ladysighs, who writes the most amazing poems.


Happy Reading!


Books to sit on!


London has got a lovely idea about books. We discovered some book – benches at our day out yesterday!

There are 50 benches looking like open books all around London in 4 different trails. We found 3 benches. They look amazing.

day out greenwich (19)


All benches will be there for the Summer until 15th September.

The 50 BookBench sculptures will be sold at public auction on 7 October 2014 at an exclusive event at the Southbank Centre.
All proceeds will go to the National Literacy Trust, a charity dedicated to raising the literacy levels of disadvantaged children and young people across the UK.
day out greenwich (18)day out greenwich (20)day out greenwich (21)
Here the other benches which were following books:
The Railway Children
The Canterbury Tales
Girl Engrossed
See what other wonderful books are benches on this link!
 I found it rather amazing and I will need to find more book benches, next time I am in town!
Enjoy your books and the sunshine!




I have a new friend, who is so like me.

Reaching for the sky , spreading joy, being happy.


Enjoying a peaceful time by myself


Having lots of love inside and sharing it with everyone


Be thankful for the beauty



is my new friend and I met him in a little book , my sister gave to me.

He is so sweet I have to share him with you, a big heart and spreading joy into the world.


The book is called “Wellness for the soul”.


Two Austrian people gave life to OUPS, 10 years ago, and he is now one of my favourite characters.

OUPS comes from a different planet, the planet of the heart, which is full of love , kindness, and peace. When he saw earth, a lovely planet, and noticed how unhappy and dissatisfied humans were, he wondered why humans are always arguing and even have wars, he thought to come down to spread love and kindness among all the busy people here. To make others happy is his main purpose. He now wanted to show humans how to live with love and making life easy and happy.

He flew down to earth and took two gifts, love and joy. He knew humans will love it.


I know some people on earth have received it but not all, and we are working on those….

For more information on OUPS

visit his web site. www.oups.com

Many of his books can be bought, some of his books are also in English. Example: sunbeams for our heart

His Facebook

Love him, spread joy and happiness!

A Jar or a Journal ???


I read a lot of positive blogs, facebook sites and articles.

Then I came across great ideas which I wanted to share with you.

1st January is a good day to start…..

Idea 1.


Idea 2.

Write a Gratitude Journal

This picture is the one I will use, all ready for January 2013.

I will write down every day , at the end of the day, what good things the day gave me and what I was grateful for on this day.

A wonderful way to celebrate each day, think of the gifts and positive things of each day and I can show my gratitude and be thankful .

gratitude journal

And remember:

“When you expect nothing,

you can receive everything

as a marvelous gift.”

Jonathan Lockwood Huie