Monthly Archives: January 2016

January – Oups


January is almost gone.

Did you find some beauty in this month?

What were your highlights?

hot chocolate

A cup of hot chocolate when you needed it?

Did you spot a flower coming through?

We had some wonderfully crisp cold mornings

with amazing blue sky and sunshine.

Beautiful evening lights reflecting on the little lake (on my way to dance lessons.)

The birds are singing their arias from the trees in the mornings.


I have finished 2 x 1000 piece jigsaws; one even glows in the dark.


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We have a new lodger/friend; Oups, yes he moved in 🙂

I have shown you some drawings of Oups before

and I love him so much I got him to move in with me!


He brings me love and happiness.

He loves relaxing – anywhere

oups3 oups4

Thomas loves him


He loves hugs



Hope you had a good January,

let me know what beauty you found in this Winter month.


Please find Oups  on Oups .com for more inspiration.

Liebster Award


Debra from has nominated me for the Liebster Award. I had this award before , but I am very happy to receive it again.  I am not  a new blog and got more than 200 followers, I appreciate that you did think of me!  Thank you very much Debra.

7th December 2012 and 23rd January 2016

If you are not familiar with the Liebster Award these are the rules:
Thank your nominator
Show the award on your blog
Answer 10 questions asked to you
Ask 10 questions to 10 new nominees (who have less than 200 followers)
Notify them

Here are my replies to the 10 questions from Debra:

Can you remember what it was that inspired you to set up a blog?

The initial thought was to have my own website and get to know IT and the internet better. I found blogspot and then wordpress and loved it straight away. The idea that people all over the world can read what I publish is just awesome. 

When was it that you published your first ever blog post?

That was on 9th June 2012, wow long ago. 🙂

How would you describe your blog?

It is an inspirational blog,  with thoughts of daily life, trying to bring smiles and happiness to the world. 

Do you blog as a profession or for fun?

I love it and do it for fun and happiness.

What is your preferred setting when you sit down to blog and publish your writing/photography?

I love to sit in front of my computer, I have 2 monitors where the blog post is being written on the right and I look for pictures and quotes on the left screen, put them into paint to get ready to import into the post. Having a cup of tea nearby is almost a must!

Are there any hard and fast rules you set for yourself when it comes to blogging?

No rules just fun and enjoyment!

What aspect of the ‘bloggersphere’ do you most enjoy?

I love meeting new people via the internet with similar ideas like me. I have already made wonderful friends and met 2 blogger friends in person.  I love reading posts of my blogger friends and get inspiration from them and that makes me happy also I learn about other countries and people through other blogs. It is a wonderful way to communicate with bloggers all over!

What aspect of the ‘bloggersphere’ do you find the most daunting?

I don’t really find it daunting… I don’t put any pressure on myself, as it is like a hobby otherwise I wouldn’t enjoy it so much!. Sometimes I don’t have enough time to read all blogs I like to but bloggers are understanding, it is life.

In your view, who is the main reader audience for your blog?

I don’t think I can categorize them, they are from all walks of life from all over the world and I love them all!

What do you do in your spare time that is not reflected/associated with your blogging pursuits?

I love making earrings, do jigsaw puzzles to relax and dance a lot!


…and here are the 10 interview questions for those who wish to take part:

  1. How did you get into blogging?
  2. How do you choose what to blog about?
  3. Do have a goal regarding blogging?
  4. How do you fit blogging into your daily routine?
  5. Do you learn through blogging?
  6. Which audience would you like to attract with your blog?
  7. What is your favourite TV Program?
  8. What else do you do in your spare time?
  9. How do you relax?
  10. What is your favourite food?

My nominees are:

Morgan from The secret life of a computer scientist student

Rudi of Rudi’s blog

Liz of leaping life

Matt from Matt and his cats

A day in the Life



Happy Blogging!


Enjoy the small things


Enjoy the small things in life

and you will have many reasons to be happy in life.

Most people have forgotten to see the small beautiful things like a little ladybird walking from one piece of grass to the next.


Most people admire only the big things.

Open your eyes and your heart and each day will be more enjoyable.

the little things

What do you do to feel good today?


What do you do to feel good today?

feel good2

Will you do something kind today?

Will you make someone happy?

Laugh a lot today?

Admire something today?

Enjoy what you are doing?

feel good

May be I can help to make you feel good.

I wish you better if you are not so well.

I am sending a big hug and please take a smile from me!

feel good1

10 Quick tricks to feel good:

Have a good laugh (I love to laugh)

Stretch (Always makes one feel good)

Listen to your favourite music ( just listened to the Unfinished from Schubert-beautiful)

Notice what’s right ( yes, life is good)

Go outdoors (even in rain it feels fresh and good)

Cook a tasty meal (not my forte 🙂 )

Take some deep breaths (do need that often)

Read an inspiring book (i.e. The Dalai Lama’s cat from David Michie)

Think of your latest success (small success will do – I did my dance without mistake- yay))

Dance in the kitchen ( that’s what I do often…)


Hope you feel good!

Have an amazing “feel good day”!

 All pictures from google

Hello January – updates


My Computer was infected with a nasty virus, I had a cold too….

I couldn’t see and read all blogs I wanted,

so please accept my apologies for my rare appearance lately.


virus joke

My cold is gone and the computer virus got the boot too,

thanks to my wonderful son who knows IT in and out.


You might remember that I had started to knit an Icelandic style jumper.



Well it is ready now… and due to being a warm Winter,

I had not needed it anyway.

So now I am waiting for the cold….




Also I am practicing my Charleston for February,

so why not do it in the right dress!

Sneak preview here:


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 I received a Salt Crystal Lamp from my sister and it is so beautiful,

I have to show it to you all!



It aids to my meditation and brings calmness and beauty into my home.


Now it is time to enjoy January!

Look out for the beauty of the month!



I’ll show you my findings at the end of the month.