Tag Archives: don’t give up

Coving nightmare – Don’t give up


A bit of DIY turned out more complicated than I thought.

I wanted to add coving in my dining room and bought enough for it.

Yes, I have already run out as I cut so many angles the wrong way round. 😦

The long stretches were fine, now round the chimney breast – it is so difficult.

slide the slider to see both images

Inside angles, outside angles – wrong angles….. nothing fits….

Thomas knows what to do!

Following his example,

I chill,

I source some more coving,

think really hard before cutting,

I know I can do it!

Even if you stumble
you are still going forward!

Victor Kiam

Even with setbacks

we can go on and achieve the impossible.

Don’t give up whatever you do.

Go for it!

Never give up – like Nature


I was walking through a forest with trees fallen down.

Yet still more growth comes through the trunk which lies on the forest ground.

It reminded me that

Nature never gives up.

new beginnings

Every day is a new beginning.

Take a deep breath, smile

and start again.

If you don't give up on something
you truly believe in,
you will find a way.
Roy T. Bennett
You should never give up.
No matter how hard the situation is,
always believe that
something beautiful is going
to happen.

If you are in a situation like that at the moment,

please know that you are not alone and you are precious and loved.

My best wishes for you

and may the rise for you soon again.

♥♥♥ Sending hugs and comfort to you ♥♥♥

Be Positive


Be positive.

Sometimes easier said than done, but as they say every cloud has a silver lining, we only need to believe it.

Our thoughts shape what we are, what we think and how we react.

Every one has love inside them and we need to release it. Give love and love comes back like a boomerang.

Live now, don’t compare, each day is a new beginning, a new chance!

Have faith in yourself and even the longest day has only 24 hours.

Everyone makes mistakes in life this doesn’t mean we are failures.

We learn from it, we call it experience and we need to pick ourselves up to carry on.

carry on

I fall,

I rise,

I make mistakes,

I live,

I learn,

I’ve been hurt but I’m alive.

I’m human,

I’m not perfect but

I’m thankful.

Have a positive love filled day!