Puzzle review


I do love doing a good puzzle

and to my joy I was invited to do a puzzle review

by Debra from TSS blog.

A puzzle is very relaxing and I really enjoy it.


the secretary (7)

Here it is:

“The Secretary” is a 500 piece premium puzzle. As you open the box you find the 500 pieces securely in a bag also an additional A4 picture of the puzzle picture, so you don’t need use the box with you to complete it. Also included is the artist’s biography and information about the Ravensburger Company.

The picture is a drawing by Trevor Mitchell of a secretary busily at work in a 1960s office. Trevor Mitchell who after attending Art College in Bradford worked for an advertising agency in London in 1979. He then returned to his native Yorkshire where he went freelance. He illustrated greeting cards and found a market for his paintings among publishers of art prints and jigsaw puzzles.

The Secretary drawing is a very detailed picture and the colours are vibrant. As an avid puzzler I would recommend this puzzle for beginners, young people or someone with little patience.  Starting with the frame and sorting the remaining pieces into colours this puzzle is fairly easy. The picture has clear lines to follow (the window frame, the doorframe) and many different objects like the coffee tray, the filing cabinet and the 5 plants which can be assembled separately and then put into the big picture.  It is like looking at a puzzle piece and you know instantly where it goes in the big picture.

read more here please .

Now that a bit of holiday comes I will chill out with another one.




18 responses »

  1. Früher habe ich auch sehr viele Puzzles gemacht und aufgeklebt. In unserem Hobbykeller gabs eine ganze Galerie. Heute mache ich ab und zu mal eines am Computer. Das Bild ist übrigens wunderschön.

  2. Great review Ute! The picture of the ’60s office brings back memories. I used to work for a company with offices like that in 1969, as a switchboard operator.

    My husband put together a puzzle recently, and my son and I added a few pieces, it can be quite addicting and rewarding. Unfortunately, ours was second hand and two pieces were missing … ugh!

    I am a little PUZZLED (pun intended!) The review says “written by Debrah Hall” when I went to the link. However, you wrote it, right?

    ❤ carmen

    • Yes Carmen, I wrote it for Debra, as she invited me to do it, knowing I love puzzles. She also sends it so her PR handler and it might be up on the Ravensburger site., she said. It is annoying when pieces are missing…. it is addictive and time flies when you start…. It does relax me and I can unwind and my mind relaxes then.

      • We should talk on the phone sometime, I’d love to hear your voice! That switchboard is a very old one, but quite similar to the one I used. The one in the photo was once in use at the hotel where we stayed in Connecticut– a fun holiday! ❤

  3. Thank you for the review, Ute. I love puzzles. I find writing songs, stories, poetry, and books to have many of the same attributes of putting together puzzles.

    • Nice to know and it really helps you to see the little things in a picture you would usually not see or notice. Enjoy the puzzles ! Thanks for letting me know, fellow puzzler 🙂

  4. That is such a gorgeous puzzle Ute and I love the colours! Are you going to frame it? It sure is fun building them and I can see you’re having lots of fun! Enjoy! 😀 ♥

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