Tag Archives: gratitude Journal

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“We’re unable to go out, so many of us go in.

Sleep, recharge, pray, meditate, journal.

Reflect on what’s important and what makes us truly happy.

To many, it’s a transition from survival to living.

During times of pain, we are invited to learn new ways of being—to do less and be more.

To reconnect with our true human nature.”

~Sara Fabian


Here is what I have been doing last week:

completed another puzzle:

Sorted out all my CD’s,

Created a Mini Green house out of CD cases, to recycle them

as I found a picture on Pinterest.

I can open the roof as seen on the bottom right picture.


Baked Chocolate Brownie as per Sally’s recipe.

They are super delicious.

Write in my Gratitude journal from Francois.

It brings me so much joy.

Here is the link for the new one, he just created.


Painted some walls to the Bathroom

and exercised/ danced, meditated, read books and much more

I leave you with an upbeat song I dance to,

Dance along with me and have a good and safe week ♥♥♥


Hello February – Gratitude focus


February is here and it has an additional day this year!

All days full of surprises and miracles.



Lets make February a month where we focus on Gratitude.


How often do you say thank you and really mean it?

What are you most grateful for?

Consider the things in your life you frequently take for granted

like health and love and friendship.

Choose to appreciate them,

feeling thankful does feel good.

Choose appreciation instead of expectation.

Have a gratitude journal which cultivates an attitude of gratitude.




Gratitude is absolutely the way to bring more into your life!


gratitude 1



gratitude 3

Thank you for being here my friends

you all mean a lot to me!





A Jar or a Journal ???


I read a lot of positive blogs, facebook sites and articles.

Then I came across great ideas which I wanted to share with you.

1st January is a good day to start…..

Idea 1.


Idea 2.

Write a Gratitude Journal

This picture is the one I will use, all ready for January 2013.

I will write down every day , at the end of the day, what good things the day gave me and what I was grateful for on this day.

A wonderful way to celebrate each day, think of the gifts and positive things of each day and I can show my gratitude and be thankful .

gratitude journal

And remember:

“When you expect nothing,

you can receive everything

as a marvelous gift.”

Jonathan Lockwood Huie