Tag Archives: happy life

I’ve been tagged


I was tagged by my blogger friend Alastair.

As I think it is fun, I shall go and do it:

So here we are:

1. Post the rules
See as I go through it!

2. Post a photo of yourself and eleven random facts about you. Oh dear…
Me 12 years ago

Me 12 years ago




1. I started ball room dance lessons when I was 16.
2. I love wearing earrings.
3. My favourite English words are cherish and appreciate!
4. As children in bed, my sister and I played wordgames in the dark because we were not tired!
5. We used to listen to radio stories in the evening together as a family, we had no TV in the front room.
6. I like quince jelly.
7. I do not buy designer clothes.
8. I have once had a snake round my neck….. I felt very brave.
9. and brave again… I slept in a little wooden hut, where I saw a huge spider in it. (in Thailand)
10. I like to laugh but I can never remember jokes.
11. I collect quotes and have one folder under my bed, and other books at my desk.

3. Answer the questions given you by the tagger

  1. What is the favourite place you have visited? Hard one, I loved all places so far, as they are all different and I cannot compare them.
  2. Where was your last holiday? Isle of Wight for 3 days
  3. Do you eat the crusts? yes
  4. What is your favourite pizza? Margharita simple.
  5. If you had to give up something you use everyday, what would it be? That is a tricky one…. I could probably live without my microwave.
  6. Do you play sports? I swim and dance
  7. Do you watch sports? No
  8. What’s your favourite animal? Ringtailed lemur
  9. What is the favourite book you’ve read? It has to be “Pillars of the Earth” by Ken Follet so far!
  10. What genre of films do you like? Romantic, historic and crime films
  11. Is Rudolph the reindeer big-headed or misunderstood? I think he is sweet!

4. Set some questions

I shall leave that as I am not following the rules totally –  sorry.

5. Tag some people
I shall leave that too ….

Instead I shall give you 11 tips for a happy life!

1. Practice gratitude.

2. Count your blessings.

3. Practice kindness.

4. Listen to your heart.

5. Stay calm.

6. Choose positive thoughts.

7. Hug a lot.

8. Smile a lot.

9. Live every new day as if it was your last.

10. Love your life.

11. Live now, not in the past, and not in the future.


A Jar or a Journal ???


I read a lot of positive blogs, facebook sites and articles.

Then I came across great ideas which I wanted to share with you.

1st January is a good day to start…..

Idea 1.


Idea 2.

Write a Gratitude Journal

This picture is the one I will use, all ready for January 2013.

I will write down every day , at the end of the day, what good things the day gave me and what I was grateful for on this day.

A wonderful way to celebrate each day, think of the gifts and positive things of each day and I can show my gratitude and be thankful .

gratitude journal

And remember:

“When you expect nothing,

you can receive everything

as a marvelous gift.”

Jonathan Lockwood Huie