Washing up – Mindfulness Meditation


washing-up2For most of us

washing up is a chore.

But you can change that.


Make it your daily

mindfulness meditation routine.


Feel the warmth of the water caressing your hands



feel the soft bubbles,

move slowly around the plate,

smell the scent of the washing up liquid.

feel the smooth surface

enjoy the different shapes of the dishes



be aware of the beautiful pattern on the plate,

dwell on the plate for a while,

think of how it got there.

Caress the spoon with your sponge,

feel the smoothness of the cleaned glass,

feel calm, don’t rush,

be conscious of the moment.


Small every day tasks are not wasted moments

but part of precious moments we have in our lives.

Enjoy Washing up!



30 responses »

  1. Great spin on the routine dish rinsing cycle of housework, Ute 🙂
    And would you believe I’ve been washing up with heart-shaped
    knit dishcloths? Yup! We’ve a whole drawer full, since I’ve been
    designing them in hopes of one day selling the patterns 🙂 💜 Jackie@KWH

      • Yup, thought of that too—although knitting the same thing over and over is not one of my strong points :-/ Heart-shaped dishcloths definitely add a smile to chores, plus give new meaning to wringing your heart… LoL 😉 🙂 ❤ 💜 Jackie@KWH

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