Be positive and another award!


Be Positive.
Stay strong
Have hope
Give big hugs
Laugh out loud
Learn every day
Keep the faith
Be in the moment
Keep it simple
Laugh out loud
Stay on the bright side.

share happiness

Wishing you a joyful, love filled, happy day !


Another Award

I was nominated by sunflowerrosecw for the Most Influential Blogger Award and some others.  As I have the others already I shall answer to this one. I thank CW so much for thinking of me for these awards. It is very precious to me.

23rd April 2013

23rd April 2013

This award has no rules. You just choose any amount of blogs to nominate as you wish.

So I shall choose all the bloggers who comment on my posts, they all influence me and they say that I influence them, as I brighten their day ! That is the most important for me! So grab it if you like and enjoy! !

38 responses »

  1. Congratulations on receiving even more blogging awards, Ute! You deserve them!

    Thank you for continuing to read my posts even when traveling and quarterly reporting knocks me off the blogosphere. Your support and friendship mean a lot to me.

    • Russ, thank you very much!
      We are all busy people and are away some time. I love your posts they give me inspiration, make me smile and think. So keep on posting when you have time! No pressure 🙂 Ute

  2. It look’s like you have reached the limit of giving the award but I am after our writing about being positive. And I am pressing the share button to my face book. Thank you and congratulations.!

  3. Beautiful post once again Ute and thanks for sharing hon. You always make me smile. 🙂 Have a great day hon and congrats on the award. You most certainly deserve it. 🙂 *big hugs*

  4. You are an inspiring lady, not just because of your words, but because of the nice things you do for people. I love it when you talk about your students, and what you do in their lives. You have a precious position in the lives of children. How wonderful for them to see your smile, the first thing when they come to school. 🙂

    • Thank you for your wonderful words Marsha, I find it important to smile at children and show them that the world is not such a bad place. They do like to come to me… even if there is no reason.. 🙂

  5. :) So many have shared so much with me and I wish to share as well please accept my nominations and if nothing else know I am grateful for your sharing on your pages with us all and the time you share with me on mine.Thank you!! 🙂 Joe

  6. You are influential. I love that your posts are so simple, so up beat and deliver a dose of medicine to augment sadness and keep the good things of life in perspective.

  7. Pingback: Most Influential Blogger Award, thanks Joe! | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  8. Pingback: An Award With No Rules – Thank you Ute’s Happy World | The Seeker

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