

As it is my birthday today,

I wish you all a beautiful day as I have

“Make today worth remembering.”

Zig Ziglar
My beautiful June strawberries

My best Alliums giving me so much joy.

 Another adventure filled year awaits me.

I don't know about you
but my life is completely
♥ beautiful ♥
I am glad to be a year older today.

Those aren't grey hairs you see.
They are strands of birthday glitter
growing out of my head.

🙂 🙂 🙂

19 responses »

    • Thank you very much my friend. I will, I love life and enjoy it to the full. I love everybody to see how lovely it can be. Wishing you a beautiful day!

  1. Ooh, liebe Ute, da komme ich ja gerade noch zur rechten Zeit.

    Ganz herzlichen Glückwunsch und von Herzen alles Gute!

    Liebe Grüße – Jutta

  2. Oh jeh, liebe Ute, ich bin zu spät. Aber dennoch wünsche ich dir alles Gute für das bereits begonnene neue Lebensjahr 🥂.

    Herzlich, do

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