Daily Archives: October 22, 2016

Caturday treat from Thomas


Hi to all cats, cat owners, cat lovers  and every one else.

Today is Caturday

and we need to celebrate it.

Every day is a celebration of life for humans

and cats alike

as every day is special.

Today though I am dedicating this to beautiful Binky,

my friend in the Netherlands.

My owner got hold of another beautiful puzzle and we did it,

well my loyal feeder really did it.


Puss in Books a brilliant theme

So Adorable

It was such fun!

Now Binky I wanted to ask if you have read

all these books on this puzzle already,

if not I can really recommend them.

Let me explain:

The great Catsby – a classic

Looking Cool by K.T Chill – you won’t need that – you are a cool cat

Painting – Learn from Scratch – real fun- …. the scratching…..



A Purrfect Life – more great ideas to our near purrfect life.

A Purrfect storm – famous also in the human world

To kill a mockingbird –  another classic for us

Claw and Order – If you missed the TV series, enjoy the read

The Mousetrap – What can I say a MUST READ





Feeling Cat tastic – Self Help  – Quiet useful – living with less Cat tastophies

The British Mewseum  –  a useful cat-alogue

Catmandu – a travelguide – very interesting indeed

Street Life by Al.E.Cat – a fun story



Everything about everything by I.B. Curious –  a must read – specially for kittens

Tail of two Kitties by Charles Catkins / great fiction for lazy evenings on laps



Puss in Boots – not to forget the most important classic

The secret of a good sleep by KIT.T Naps – not needed for us as we have purrrfected that already



Wishing you and all humans a super relaxing weekend

with many naps in between!