Pumpkins and soup!


Happy Halloween

and Happy Birthday to Thomas , our cat…. yes a Halloween baby!


and my pumpkin/broccoli soup I made!


And here a baby Thomas picture!  ♥Happy 4th Birthday Thomas ♥

CATS (7)


Keep the sunshine in your heart!

aaDon’t worry! It’s still here!

You just can’t see it right now!

Have a great Halloween if you celebrate,

and a beautiful day for everyone else!

I am sending you much love,

and thank you all for always being here and keeping me happy.

You are the best!

Big hugs!

37 responses »

    • Skye thank you for your wonderful hugs, I do love them. My soup, nothing ot it….. and it is only me who eats it….I can put in any spices I like. This time I put Tumeric in too, not bad!

  1. Recipe please. Not for me – but – so I can give it to hubby to make for me – LOL
    Happy bday to Thomas 🙂 Hope he’s had a speCATular day. Yep – I just made that up.

    • What a great made up word, I am sure he will come in soon as it is raining and I shall show him your comment…. 🙂
      The soup is not followed by a recipe I just made it up and put my spices in. 🙂

  2. Happy 4th Birthday, Thomas. You don’t have to eat that, do you…I mean, Granny likes the pumpkin/broccoli soup, but we cats need some tuna in it, don’t we 😉 Sending 13 Pawkisses your way for a wonderful Birthday and a Spooky Halloween 🙂
    Btw we love the painting 🙂

    • Thank you so much Binky, you understand totally, I do prefer my fish food. …and I might even get a special treat later for my birthday…. Thanks for your pawkisses, love them purr purr! Some back to you , my lovely!

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