Tag Archives: Mani

Ligo Circle of Appreciation


Wow, I had this wonderful message and saw the great blog of Ralph, yesterday and guess what …my name was in it.

Firstly a BIG thank you Ralph, my friend,  I am honoured , I am speechless, I am happy and I am in blog heaven! He wrote lovely and kind things about me and Ralph thank you it is a great pleasure to accept this honour to join the Līgo Circle of Appreciation  . I met Ralph , through the blog and we got to know each other through great conversations and I am grateful to count him as my friend!

Here is how the  Līgo Circle of Appreciation works:

For a duration of 22+ days, beginning October 1, 2012, 2 bloggers per day will be invited to join the circle.  Again a reminder that this is an appreciation, not an award. I know it is out of time but it seems to go on still so here we are:

To participate in the Līgo Circle of Appreciation, you must:

  •  Complete this sentence about blogging: ”A great blog is…
  •  Refer back to the blogger who invited you.
  •  Invite 2 bloggers to join the Līgo Circle of Appreciation on a post.

A great blog is to me to blog which gives me inspiration, makes me smile and makes me happy. Although I like to learn sometimes from it, get new ideas andI like it to make me think. It is for me wonderful to read what people think about worldaffairs and their own world – Everything mixed with kindness. For me a great blog brings people together and talking

The first blogger I have the honour to ask is  Lauren to join the Līgo Circle of Appreciation. Lauren was one of my first blogs I found when I was new to blogging and started to follow because I was impressed by her writing and intense messages in her stories. She inspired me every time I read one of her posts.  She has so much wisdom through her psychological background and tells her story in a kind, simple but very emotional and true way. I hope Lauren you will accept to join this Līgo Circle of Appreciation.

The second blogger I’d like to ask is Mani of FreeBirD, he says “My blogs are all about life, travel and experiences – sometimes, you may stumble upon them and if you have any questions, words or feelings – please express them. My views are simple and I want you to share yours too. ” I like and appreciate his blog. He is sharing his knowledge of his extensive travels, lined with his own fantastic photography. He also shares his honest feelings about life and what it brings us. So I will ask Mani to accept and enjoy the Līgo Circle of Appreciation.