Short outing – London


On my way to the Embassy

I walked through Green Park in London.

Green Park is green 🙂

Now in Spring are various Daffodills out..

I passed lovely old houses

and the Hotel I used to work, long time ago.

I walked through Wellington Arch

and saw a Royal Coach.

Saw some of the few of the old Telephone boxes

Typical English street

Even a brief visit is wonderful in London.

Always keep your eyes open for beautiful things.

We should walk in such a way
that every step can bring us to the here and the now.
Walking is the best possible exercise.

Sometimes a short walk down memory lane
is all it takes to appreciate
where you are today.

23 responses »

  1. Das sind so schöne Bilder, liebe Ute. Ja die roten Telefonzellen kennt wohl jeder, auch wenn er noch nie in London war. Die letzte Aufnahme ist aber ganz besonders schön.

    Liebe Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende


    • Vielen Dank liebe Jutta, London gibt immer wieder gute Motive her.
      Das letzte Bild, die Strasse erinnerte mich an das Musical ‘My fair Lady’ der Song von Freddy. 🙂

  2. On our last stay in London we met a friend in St. James’ Park; she was feeding the birds & the squirrels, before we went for tea in the café there. A happy memory. Prior to that many many years ago I would drive down Constitution Hill regularly on my way to work! A wonderful journey even with the traffic! 🙏

    • You do know your way round in London, Ashley, even working right there. When you visit London, you’ll have to let me know and we can meet ❤️😘
      St. James’s park used to be my favourite park. Xxx

      • It was many years ago that I worked there.🤔 A lifetime ago. It would be wonderful to meet but our travelling days even to Britain are now so limited, Covid-mindset! Thank you for the offer though. I’ll be sure to write again. Have a wonderful weekend 🤗😊

  3. Thanks for the tour through London, dear Ute. We have never been in London, but it looks marvellous. We like that ‘typical street’, can’t hardly imagine that it’s so clean there😸 Great pictures and captions and quotes! Double Pawkisses for a Happy Day🐾😽💞

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