12 years – 9.6.2012 – Blogiversary


12 glorious years with my friends in the world.



Enjoying every minute of it,

I love my friends all over the world.

reading, commenting and caring.

You make me very happy!




18 responses »

  1. congratulations on 12 years i hope you have many more. I know your blog brings happiness to my in box. that seems to be so little in the world currently so thank you for the gift of yourself and your joy

  2. Congratulations on your first 12!!! I have loved your blogs and you are an extremely talented photographer posting magnificent photos!! Keep up the Awesome posting

  3. Congratulations !!! 12 years and I hope another 12 years and more will follow!!! Thank you for all your posts and a lot of ideas for the following.


  4. We’re happy because you’re here, dear Ute, you make us happy with your great

    posts, they’re always so uplifting and happy. So Thank you for 12 years and hope for many more to come🥂 Extra 12 Pawkisses for the occassion 😽💞

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