Be thankful and stop complaining!


I came across this and it needs to be said many times .

Complain less, thank more


Unfortunately this is reality, we complain much faster than we give thanks.

Make a point and find good things in your day and praise and compliment people straight away.


Being grateful is wonderful,

having a grateful heart

changes your life!



Love the small things in life!


Very True!


I am grateful

for this moment,

for family and friends,

for the sunrise,

for the air we breathe,

for being here,

for sharing my life with you!

What are you grateful for today?

Have an awesomely grateful day, today!

82 responses »

  1. What a great bunch of inspirational messages. Thank you for sharing them with us.

    I went into a supermarket a couple of years ago (Tesco) and after chatting to an employee (Robyn – I still remember her) I went to the Customer Services desk and asked if I could have a form where I put a comment about one of the staff, and I was given a complaints form. I said that it wasn’t a complaint, I was extremely happy with the treatment I received. They had to search for a form, and in the end had to scribble things out of the complaints one as they didn’t have any positivity forms. Robyn had gone out of her way to help me with advice, and her personality was so outgoing and happy. I did go and tell what I had done, and her response was her saying that I didn’t have to do that as she was just happy enough to do her job and help. Some people are genuinely helpful. I wish more people were like that. I would put you down in that category Ute. You would go out of your way to help anyone.

    • Thanks Alastair for sharing your experience here. Waht a good thin g to do, you wouldn’t have to queue on the complaint line but be first on the gratitude line. It is the “Robyns” who make our shopping and life a pleasure and they need to know that too, Glad you told them and her! I do wish the same as you, more kindness, more helpful people like Robyn. I love to bring kindness to people and help in any way where it is physically possible, you are right! Much love Ute

  2. Dear Ute…..I am especially thankful for our friendship. The time we have spent together caring for each other’s souls has blessed me greatly. You are a dear friend that I cherish.

    I love the thought of appreciating each breath for someone is breathing their last. It is a good picture to give our children who think they are invincible. Each day, I am aware of the precarious nature of life because my dad was taken quite suddenly in a car accident. Life changed in an instant. You just never know what could happen.

    ! Love you, Sweetie….thank you for this reminder as I start a new day.

    • Skye, love your words and do treasure our friendship. As you start a new day ours is almost finished and I go to bed with thoughts of what a wonderful day I had, and wake up tomorrow thankful to have another day to make great with God’s help.
      Big good night hug! Zzzzzz

    • Thank you, glad you liked it. I am glad and grateful I can see all these great birds and wildlife on your blog, which I would otherwise never in my life. Big thanks to you!

    • I know you do and I know you cherish and love every smile you get from Al and the time with him together, even if it is hard for you! Keep your strength! You are wonderful!

  3. Beautiful post Ute. We all do have so much to be grateful for. I thank God for another day, the sunshine today, my beautiful home, my fabulous Husband, my precious Kidlets and Grand Kidlets, my health, food in my tummy, my family, friends, love in my heart and a smile on my face…. I could go on and on and on. There are an abundance of blessings around me all the time. I have tons of ‘heart prints’ I will treasure forever. Have a terrific day. hugs, ♥

  4. I try to be positive. But – some complaints are not easy to push aside.
    But – fore every complaint I do have a good three or more things to be thankful for – LOL

    COMPLAINT: Migraines

    Migraine Medication
    Medical Insurance
    Waking up without a migraine 🙂

    • RoSy, You are great having more to be thankful for than to complain about. I agree with you that those migraines are definitely worth complaining about as they are not easy to live with. I wish you a migraine free day, month, year….. Really do RoSy!

  5. I am grateful for my family, without them I would have lost my life…they helped me take it back with the knowledge it’s a gift not to be taken for granted. Thank you, my friend for a wonderfully awesome cyber hug of faith today.

    • As you say there are many things we take for granted and it is good to be thankful for them. Fantastic you see this gift every day!
      Another tight hug of freindship for you!

  6. Pingback: Tuesday, Sep 10: What are you grateful for today? |

  7. An excellent reminder, so gently expressed, Ute. And it does need reminded repeatedly, I wonder why that is! I am grateful for each day, each occurrence, and the love of my family and friends. I don’t ever forget how lucky and blessed I am for all those reasons. Blessing to you my dear and special friend! 🙂 xo

    • Penny indeed one does need constant reminders and we then see all our blessings again. I am like you that I cherish each day and am thankful to have another one! Much love Ute x

  8. Ouch, ouch, ouch! I was almost ready to complain, but something pricked me, and made me stop! 🙂 JK I never complain! hehehe ops, my nose! What is happening to my nose? Hey, I didn’t ask for my nose to get longer. What’s going on here? You never can find a good nose doctor when you need one. grrrrr. What? That’s a what? I can’t hear you. I hate being deaf, it just drives me batty! What were you saying? 🙂 JK AGAIN! LOTS OF LOVE TO YOU, UTE! 🙂

  9. Every now and again we have to make a decision whether to be around negative people or like minded positive people. It is hard, to separate from negative minds, especially if you have known them for a while, but life is much better to live a life of gratitude than complain and criticise. Hope that makes sense, Ute. Love your quotes.

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